Should Kids Be Allowed To Buy More Equipment?

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We should add money into sports and other activities to buy more equipment because kids have more fun. According to Katie Couric, “Playing sports give kids confidence.” (Notebook) Which is very true. There aren’t any more amazing moments other than when you get a kill on the volleyball court or score the game winning touchdown. We want kids at school to be more confident and overall more happy. Another reason we should buy more equipment for sports is because kids will learn life lessons. In the Notebook: Kids and Sports video, Katie Couric said, “getting into the game is an important life lesson for all ages.” (Notebook) Kids will learn more life lessons playing sports than going home right after school. These lessons might include teamwork, …show more content…

Michael Lorenc, a basketball coach at Jesuit High School said, “They tend to do better than those you aren't doing extracurricular.” The kids that are at home tend to be playing video games or scrolling through social media instead of doing their homework or studying for an upcoming test. Most parents have concerns about their child's health conditions. While studies show that concussions went from “7,000 to 22,000 in just one year” (Report) reported cases this year, if we increase the budget to sports, we could buy new helmets for the football team. Before playing sports, the members of the team should have to watch a video informing them about concussions and heat stroke. This way, they know the symptoms of concussions and heat stroke. While parents will still be worried about their child's health conditions, they could also worry about their child's grades falling. People can be against sports is because they are scared of the students’ grades falling. I see how they would think that kids will be focused on sports and not school. “It`s very difficult fitting in studies and having to go at practice late at night” (Sports). I understand this problem is all about personal drive, wanting to study for that test, or wanting to do your homework. However, if practices are right before school or after school then students will have the rest of the night to study and do homework. Kids might be afraid to join sports because

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