Should Electoral College Be Abolished Essay

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Many arguments still exist today whether the Electoral College system should be abolished in our nation as the citizens feel that their votes are meaningless. In the next paragraph, I will discuss how Electoral College works and its history.
The United States Electoral College is a process of electing the president and the vice president of the nation. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors: 435 members of house of representative, 100 senators, and 3 electors from District of Columbia. The Electoral College started when the founding fathers drafted the U.S. Constitution in which many laws and the presidential election laws stated. Most states use the “winner-take-all” system, that is, the winner of the state popular vote gets all of the state’s electoral votes. This system allows some candidates to win presidency even if they lose the national popular vote by a small margin. Another voting system is called the congressional district plan. This method divides the state depending on the number of its district then distribute its electoral votes to each district. The winner of each district will have that …show more content…

Because local interest and loyalties have played a great role in American history, proponents stated that Electoral College system unifies our country as it requires a major support from a state to elect the president. Electoral College also persuades presidential candidates to choose a vice president from a different region to maximize the support of one state. Thus, there is an encouragement for presidential candidates to unite alliances of States and regions rather than to worsen regional differences. This unifying mechanism seems to be practical especially in view of the severe regional problems that have typically overwhelmed some large nations such as China, India, the Soviet Union, and some other European

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