Should Athletes Use Steroid?

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Jim Morrison intelligently says that, “drugs are a bet with your mind.” I agree with him 100%, because all decisions you will make in your life are decisions you make within your inner-self. The choice to use steroids and try to advance above others is a poor choice and it should be consequential if caught doing such things. Performance-enhancing drugs are a health hazard, and most of all they are illegal. In todays world, steroids cause trouble with many athletes because of the advantage they get. It is unfair for athletes to have this opportunity and also bad sportsmanship to your teammates. Using steroids to get ahead shows that athletes have a weak mentality and think they need to either catch up with others, or get ahead of them. Performance-enhancing drugs are unfair to be used because not every athlete is able to use them. “The use of performance enhancing drugs is not accidental; it is planned and deliberate with the sole objective of getting an unfair advantage.” (Pound). It is unacceptable for athletes to take advantage of the opportunity of having such enhancement drugs. Confidence within yourself and team will help prevent the drug use and will also show better respect for your teammates. Athletes using drugs to enhance their performance level says that the athlete is incapable of accomplishing goals without help. Bad sportsmanship is …show more content…

Coaches and athletes without this privilege will agree that is it of full disrespect and bad sportsmanship that an athlete will feel the need to take steroids. Athletes that choose to be unfair and take or drink performance enhancers should be banned from the sport for good! No question about it, athletes need to decide whether the team or their freedom is more important to them. If athletes choose to keep taking steroids to better themselves, they need to take a couple steps back and get a reality check; there are more important things in life than

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