Connie's Sacrifice: Growth and Fear in Adolescence

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Where are you going, where have you been is the most gripping short story that I have ever read so far. This story has sealed my interest in Oates and was very much a page turner. The short story follows a teenage adolescent girl name Connie; she is presented as a typical teenage girl finding herself. Connie is very confident; she spends time looking at herself in the mirror and aware of her beauty. She is portrayed as caring for herself more than her family. By the end of the story there’s growth within Connie by the act of self sacrifice for her family. Her mother who’s described as having faded beauty was always after her, a frumpy boring sister and a disconnected father. Connie spends her time hanging out with her friends, boys and listening He’s been stalking her, which was evident by the facts that he knew where she lived, he knew all her friends’ names and where her family was. He clearly had ulterior motives and this became evident to Connie after talking with him for a bit. As Connie came to the realization that this man was not going to leave her alone, the fear set in. I felt terrified for Connie, in that very moment as she stood in her kitchen behind the screen door. He threatened her that if she calls the police he will have to come in. Also that he will wait until her family comes home and they will all get it. Regardless of his threats she gained the courage to call for help but she was over come by the fear inside her and was not able to carry out the call. It was at that very moment she thought “I am not going to see my mother again, I’m not going to sleep in my bed again” (Oates 265). Arnold Friend kept taunting her through the screen doors; that she doesn’t want her family to get hurt. Connie’s action at that moment to me was an act of self sacrifice to save her family. She walked out of her house and towards Arnold Friend. Before she left the house she was thinking that she must know what to do. The act of her attempting to call for help shows that she has the strength in her to stand up to this psychopath and I hope for Connie’s sake she

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