Short Story Of The Arrest

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Prelude The Arrest 1 In the dark garden of olive trees across from the Temple Mount on the east side of Jerusalem, in the year which Caiaphas was the High Priest and Pontus Pilate was governor, men sat around half asleep, waiting. A few were sound asleep while others sat in small groups talking in hushed tones about what the rest of this holy week would hold. There had been much talk and speculation that their leader would be arrested or even killed. After the triumphal entry into the city cheered on by hundreds of thousands declaring him king early in the week, they were surprised at the quick turnaround of popularity. Now their master was openly scorned and threatened. All movements by him were done in secret for fear that an arrest or move against him by the rabbis would be imminent. Without anyone noticing, a stream of torch lights meandered down the path on the steep hill across the valley. The lights came from the Court of the Gentiles on the Temple Mount, through the Golden Gate, towards the garden …show more content…

He probably was a spy for the Pharisees and reported everything the master said directly back to the High Priest. Being with the guards only proved what Simon believed, therefore, he determined that Malchus would be his first target. The captain of the guard raised his hand preparing to signal the attack. At his command, the armed troop had instructions to weigh in and spare no one, armed or not. The High Priest would solicit Pilate, the Roman Governor to back them up and declare this band of rabble-rousers worthy to be killed. The tension was high and no one knew what would happen. How many dead would be counted? Would the leader be in the group? Only one man in the armed group knew the leader and that was Judas, one of the trusted disciples of the master. But Judas still had not given the signal that the leader was

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