Short Story Of A Sorrowful Woman

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This story relates to me in many ways, I’ve seen someone very close to me battle this disease and it is deadly. When I read this story, it made me feel uneasy. She was so sick and no one even asked her if she wanted to go get help or if she was even okay. With this story she becomes dependent on something the call drought and if you mix a substance with a disease, it becomes toxic. She got worse every day it seemed, her physical and mental health descended. What made me realize it was depression was her staying in her room all day. It makes you lock yourself away distance yourself, even when you don’t want to. A sorrowful woman is about a woman that is severely depressed and I believe is suicidal. At the first of the story she said “the sight …show more content…

She was envious that she could take care of her son and husband and she couldn’t. Although the story states she wasn’t pretty, I believe the woman is envious of her. It took the grass hopper once again, something so little to set her off. She states “the girl upsets me.” And I believe that statement alone can prove that she is quit envious of her. This woman is in her room all day everyday sleeping, eating and rarely comes out. That is what the person I know done to. Although this woman does want to do things for her son, her husband, and herself, this disease prevents her from even getting out of bed. It makes you feel restless and helpless, like “Young queen, a virgin in a tower.”pg.41 According to the story the caretaker had a thousand energies and she was dynamic. She was young full of energy and the woman I think overreacted by firing her. At the end it says “The notes slipped under her door backed her to a corner… as soon as possible she drank the drought.” Pg.42 She then makes this big dinner, does the laundry, knits sweaters and makes pies for them. She then is found dead in her room, I assume she killed herself. She didn’t do all that stuff for no reason. She was ready to go, she was done fighting this. You can tell she truly wants to care for them but she just can't

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