Short Story Fiesta 1980

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In “Fiesta, 1980” Junior is the protagonist of the story; however, the role of supporting characters lead him away from his innocence. Junior’s father teaches him the blemishes of relationships, his brother opens him up to a more mature mind, and his mother makes him consider about the possible impacts of his words. Junior’s father was having an affair with a Puerto Rican woman, which makes Junior realize that his father and mother’s marriage was not perfect, and his father did not care for his family as much as he cared for the Puerto Rican woman. “Rafa gave me the look and I gave it back to him; we both knew Papi had been with that Puerto Rican woman he was seeing…” (pg.23). Since the beginning, Junior knew his dad was seeing someone else other than his mom. However, he decided to stay quiet and just gave a look towards his brother because he was afraid to say anything about it. They were heading to a family party, but the dad still chose to see the Puerto Rican woman before hand. “They’ve known about this party forever” (pg.26). The father knew that this party was coming, but still went to see the Puerto Rican woman …show more content…

“Later I would think, maybe if I had told her, she would have confronted him, would have done something, but who can know these things?” (pg.43). Junior wants to tell his mother, but is afraid of the outcome. However, the longer he knows, the more guilt builds inside him. This is why Junior starts vomiting in his father’s car when they are all in it. “Rafa was with us and he couldn’t believe I threw up. I was famous for my steel-lined stomach” (pg.29). Junior never used to vomit, but he started to after he found out about his father’s affair. This is because the guilt is suffocating him inside, but he can never get the actual words out to tell his

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