Short Story 2050: A Chicken Nugget Crisis

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Hello It’s Morgan Freeman. Yes I’m still alive. I got froze by the government to narrate this epic story 2050: A Chicken Nugget Crisis. Let’s begin. Since you're in the year 2018 I must warn you chicken nuggets hit the fan! This story is about a boy named Sue. Sue is a boy at the time living in 2040. He’s in love with chicken nuggets. They were his favorite up until 2045 when the great chicken nugget famine. He was TRIGGERED! For five long years he fell into a depression, until one great day there he birthed an even greater idea. .He thought maybe if he built a rocket out of a redwood, which they made legal to excavate back in 2028. Maybe he could launch it into space to go on an intergalactic space journey. Sue would spend the next three hundred years of his adolescent life building this rocket. It was sort of like the Noah’s Ark of rockets which was proven real in 2023. That …show more content…

Before him was the largest, gnarliest Martian he’e ever seen! At once he slammed his large walking stick and all the Martians shut right up. Then at once it started to speaking English. He said, “Welcome Profit.” He went on to explain how Sue was the Profit they had been waiting on since last Tuesday. It’s now Monday. Apparently they found out last Tuesday from Saturn's spies that the Profit was coming. They also said they heard of him from a song about the profit, A Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash. This was way to much for Sue to take in all at once, but then the Martians said they had been going around planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy, and universe to universe collecting chicken nuggets. Then he ordered a servant to untie Sue. At once they did. Then he said I'm so sorry for the trouble. We will just load up your rocket with the chicken nuggets and before you know it you will be on your way home; the hero of the chicken nugget crisis! They led him to a tall palace. It was blue like the Martians. They took him through the front door guarded by two

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