Shirley Jackson Acceptance

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Learning to Accept There is no one in the world that is just like someone else. People are all like snowflakes, never the same as others, they are their own individual identity. In life, everybody will meet new people every single day, each person different from the rest. People must learn to live with others who are different from them. Who might look different, talk differently, believe differently, and etc. Someone might not agree with someone else’s beliefs or identity but they must accept them for who they are, they do not have to agree but they must accept. Someone else’s life should not have an affect on anybody else’s life. In the texts ¨The Lottery¨ by Shirley Jackson, ¨My So Called Enemy” by Lisa Gossels, and ¨Texas vs. Johnson¨ …show more content…

It has been a town tradition for many years and everybody loves it. Whoever “wins” the lottery, them and their family gets stoned to death. Despite the circumstances, everybody looks forward to it. “The people had done it so many times that they only half listened to the directions; most of them were quiet, wetting their lips, not looking around.” ( Jackson 159-161). When the people were waiting to draw slips from the box, they were all excited or nervous and they thought this was normal. There has always been a lottery. Nobody knew any different than this. They blindly accepted this tradition that is called the lottery. One of the characters in this passage, Old Man Warner, does not like the younger generation changing the town’s customs. As each year goes by, more and more traditions start to die out and get replaced by different ones. Old Man Warner said “Pack of crazy fools, listening to the young folks, nothing’s good enough for them. Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work anymore, live that way for a while.” (Jackson 194-97). Old Man Warner is very accepting of the lottery and not very accepting of the changes that are happening to

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