Sherlock Holmes Should Be Put In Jail

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Back in the 1800 if people committed a crime the police would gather up all the people how committed crimes have and blamed one and that person would go to jewelry even if they did not do it. One man used science a mathematics to find the person how really committed thaws crimes and his name is Sherlock Holmes. And Holmes cot to people how Stoll jewelry . Their names are Ryder and Cusack and the stool a jewel and blame it on an indecent plumber how had a wife and kids to support. Then when Sherlock Holmes busted Ryder and Cusack he let them go. And In my opinion I think Sherlock Holmes did the wrong thing to let Ryder and Cusack go.
In the first place, Ryder and Cusack brock the law by stealing the gem stone. When you break the law by stealing a gem stone you should be put in jail and serve your time. If you go to jail and serve your time ten two one you will not steal ever again. That is one of the resins why there are prisons. …show more content…

They plane to put this incent man in jail for the crime they have done. They should be punished for accusing a man and Ryder and Cusack should be in jail for lying.
In the Third place, Ryder and Cusack did the wrong thing to still. If you need help with something ask your family or the police. Cusack had a good job where she had works then she stool a gem and blamed it on a plumber. Inclusion Sherlock Holmes brock the law when he let Ryder and Cusack go. Ryder and Cusack brock the law but Holmes himself did. But that is my opinion what is

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