Sharon Old Sex Without Love

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The poem, “Sex without Love” by Sharon Old’s is a unique poem with a distinctive message that you cannot help but read it over again. Old’s poem is about the narrators opinion about the act of sexual intercourse and how the narrator does not know how a human being can share such an intimate moment with someone, without loving the other individual wholeheartedly. In the poem, “Sex without Love” by Sharon Old’s images of numerous people in various activities create tension as the narrator asks, “How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?” Sharon Old’s utilizes numerous religious languages that juxtaposes real beliefs and being a sap. The poem in its entirety is unified by the failure to answer the question, “How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?”.
To begin, tension is immediately brought into the poem with the title that Old’s decided on. It is well known that the vast majority of people are taught when they are young to not have sex unless you love the person. It is clear with the title that there is going to be tension in the poem or at the very least some sort of opposition. Moving forward, Old’s creates more tension starting in the beginning …show more content…

It is ironic that the author would use this language when these three adjectives would in the church describe someone that would wait until marriage, particularly the word purists. Secondly, when talking about “the ones who will not accept a false Messiah, love the priest instead of the God.” This line is particularly powerful in the aspect of when individuals are in church, nothing comes before their God, and the priest is just the flesh of a human that spreads the word of your God. Individuals are not supposed to accept a false Messiah because they are not supposed to put the physical before something as holy as

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