Sexual Orientation In The Workplace

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Sexual Orientation’s Effect in the World

Yes, seeing how the issues affect the workplace has given me vital information that will be helpful in dealing with the various issues listed in this article. Bullying LGBT, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, employees in the workplace has become an epidemic, spreading like a wildfire. The office should be a place where an employee can focus on getting work done. Conversely, many LGBT employees claim that they are being harassed on the job. The negative impact is felt not only by the LGBT employee, but by non-LGBT employees who do not desire to hear this rhetoric in the workplace. Many LGBT employees fear that if they come out of the closet, loved ones will lost. Furthermore, a perfect example …show more content…

Gay issues in the workplace need to be discussed, not circumvented. As an employee, I would reassure my coworkers that LGBT employees need to feel proud of who they are, not discouraged. As stated before, this could lead to a serious reduction of workplace productivity, something Karen suffers from. Rather than listen to our president encourage employers to fire employees for being LGBT, it is time that every employer has a crucial discussion with employees so that the daily stress of the life of an LGBT employee will be eliminated. As a result, Kathleen, feeling more energized, is able to focus her energy on her …show more content…

Bennett-Alexander impact the issue of gays in the workplace by making people, Mr. Chesney specifically, realize that, as stated in the Gays article, “the fight for basic civil rights for gays and lesbians is much too serious to be trivialized. It is not about sex. It is not about sensationalism, hysteria, special privileges or forcing anything on others. It is not even about religion or morals…” Dr. Bennett-Alexander made it a point that this is about treating everyone equally. Unfortunately, for Mr. Chesney, the issue of being gay or not does not translate into how one can perform the duty of teaching children. Members of the LGBT community are everywhere, whether we like it or not and whether we know it or not. You better get used to

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