Sexual Harassment Worksheet

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Sexual Harassment Worksheet

As you read through all of the information concerning sexual harassment you will be responsible for answering the following questions.

1. Sexual harassment violates which title of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

Sexual harassment violates title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment discrimination based on sex, race, religion, or a person’s nationality.

2. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, what is the best tool to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace?

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the best way to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace is to use prevention. Employers must clearly communicate that sexual harassment will …show more content…

4. If you report a case of sexual harassment at work, why should you start a paper trail?

When reporting sexual harassment at work starting a paper trail ensures that the complainant has written records and documentation of incidences that they can later use as evidence should future offence occur

5. According to the Legal Dictionary, why did federal courts not recognize sexual harassment as a form of sex discrimination until the 1970s?

Federal courts did not recognize sexual harassment as discrimination until 1970 because these incidences were seen as isolated, and at worst flirting. It was not of concern to employers until real consequences, such as an employee filing suit against their employer, were enacted.

6. What are the five facts of sexual harassment as listed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

1.) The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex, and the harasser can be either a man or a woman.
2.) The harasser can be someone’s superior, co-worker, or even a client or …show more content…

5.) A harassers conduct must be unwelcomed.

7. Read the following scenario presented by HR Daily Advisor and state how you would respond to the situation.

Your boss has suggested, but not in so many words, that if you two were to develop a relationship outside of work, promotions, bonuses, and other benefits would come your way. You are not interested in the relationship, but worry that you won’t get a fair chance at the promotion, etc.

Report it as quid pro quo harassment.

8. Equal Rights Advocates states that the conduct of a harasser must be what in order for it to be considered sexual harassment?

The conduct of the harasser must be unwanted and unwelcomed by the victim.

9. In your own words, what is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is unwelcomed and inappropriate attentions/interactions/conduct made by a superior, co-worker, or client/customer that makes the victim uncomfortable, or feels that they are working in a hostile environment.
10. Read the following scenario presented by HR Daily Advisor and state what you would do to solve the

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