Sexism In The Great Gatsby

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WOMEN CHARACTERS ANALYSIS AND MYSOGYNYSM IN F. SCOTT FITZGERALD’S THE GREAT GATSBY “‘Allright’ i said. ‘I’m glad it is a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool¬¬¬¬—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool”(9). -Daisy Fay Buchanan F.Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby which released in 1925 is a tragic love story and criticism of American society. The times the novel released women were in a definite position in society. Although the roles started changing, majority of the women were in traditional role of housewife. Notwithstanding, Fitzgerald’s approach is beyond this situation. We can see his prejudiced and unfair side in Nick Carraway’s, the narrator’s eyes. In this paper, we will criticise Fitzgerald’s …show more content…

Nick thinks that he should stay away from cunning and clever women. Nick’s thoughts reveal her fear about women. On the other hand, Jordan thinks same way as Nick but for men. Also, she think it for a different reason. She like manipulating fool men for living how she wants, Nick explain this situation with this sentence: "Jordan Baker instinctively avoided clever shrewd men and now I saw that this was because she felt safer on a plane where any divergence from a code would be thought impossible"(63). After this sentence, Nick says “Jordan is incurably dishonest"(64). The one thing make Jordan dishonest and cunning is her associating with a golf cheating scandal. The other thing is her wanting to gossip about everyone, even her friend Daisy. For example, when Tom Buchanan take a phone and argue with Daisy, she said to Nick that it was the mistress of Tom(23). In Gatsby’s party, she gossips with party-goers about Gatsby. In Nature and Optics in the Great Gatsby, J. S. Westbrook said that: “ The"golden arms" of Jordan Baker are not simply those of a healthy girl who spends her afternoons on fairways, but of a girl whose wealth is linked with dishonesty”(80). When we look all features of Jordan, it is surprising that there is almost no positive thing about her, too. Beside showing era’s spirit, it reveals Fitzgerald’s sexist perspective very …show more content…

She is subjected to violence by Tom: “Making a short deft movement Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand.” She is in an abusive position. She does not leave Tom although she is subjected to violence. Nevertheless, while Myrtle stays with Tom her own wish, Daisy stays with Tom because she is coward for leaving her traditional wife role and she loves wealth. Unlike Daisy, Myrtle gets beyond the limits. Unfortunately, her getting beyond the limits results in her death. It is like a punishment for her because she has an extramarital affair. Also, it is like a warning that when women push their limits, what will happen to them. All in all, the depiction of Myrtle is very

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