Sexal Abuse in America

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Throughout the United States, sexual abuse is more common that one may think and is not always understood to it’s full definition. In fact, in her book, Why Me? Help for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse (Even If They Are Adults Now), Lynn B. Daugherty, Ph.D., states that one in every four children are subject to some type of sexual abuse by the time they are eighteen years old. That means twenty-five percent of children some form of sexual abuse before they are adults. Although it is often thought of as physical harm during sexual intercourse, there is much more to sexual abuse than that. So, what does sexual abuse really entail and what are the long term effects of sexual abuse on children? Sexual Abuse is any sort of non-consensual sexual contact. Child Sexual Abuse is sexual abuse performed by an adult or any older child. These acts can include things such as inappropriate touching, penetration, encouraging of sexual activities including prostitution, intentionally engaging in sexual acts in front of a child, and pornography. Sexual abuse also includes any sexual act caused by trickery, trapping, force, or bribery. Contrary to popular opinion, manipulation is a real thing and is indeed used to emotionally and physically harm people. Activity that is seemingly consensual physically isn’t always consensual mentally; there is often reluctance and confusion occurring that is not apparent just by visual observation. Many different psychological and physical tests can be done on victims of sexual abuse to help accurately understand their situations and how they have been affected by them. Though most sexual abuse case examinations are too difficult to get accurate statistics on, being there is so many variations in severity, age, circum... ... middle of paper ... ...l abuse leaves a controversial trail of aftereffects." Science News 25 Sept. 1993: 202+.General OneFile. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. "Childhood sexual abuse impacts sexuality development." Women's Health Weekly 17 July 2003: 50. General OneFile. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. "Child Sexual Abuse Facts." - The Children's Assessment Center Houston, Texas USA The Children's Assessment Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. Daugherty, Lynn B. Why Me?: Help for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse, Even If They Are Adults Now. Racine, WI: Mother Courage, 1984. Print. HAGEN, MARGARET A. "Damaged Goods?" Skeptical Inquirer Jan. 2001: 54. General OneFile. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. Turner, Matthew Paul. What You Didn't Learn from Your Parents about Sex: A Guide to a Touchy Subject. Colorado Springs, CO: TH1NK, 2006. Print. "What Is Sexual Abuse?" Definition of Sexual Abuse -. N.p., 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

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