Sex Lies And Conversation Deborah Tannen Summary

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Alex Martinez Martinez 1 Mr. Chapel English Composition I 12/11/15
The Tale of Two
In the short story “Sex, Lies and Conversation” by Deborah Tannen, men and women are compared as if they have two different mind sets when it comes to communication. Tannen uses a tone of confusion and curiosity to make sure the reader is in fact aware of how men and women really feel about how each of them talk. I believe that women and men have a different view of the word communication. Men don’t think much of it but, women believe that if they communicate and tell one another everything the relationship between both will be more stable and trustworthy.
One of the examples that Tannen really brought up was at the beginning of the story.
There was a small gathering with both men and women …show more content…

Tannen commented to the man and said “Women frequently complain that their husbands don’t talk to them.” After that was said the man told everyone there that his wife is the talkative one. When they are home she is always keeping the conversation going. He also said that if she didn’t they would just sit in silence. Tannen was referring to the fact that women don’t like to talk in big crowds for the main fact they don’t want that much attention brought upon them. On the other side men love attention and when they have a chance to shine they go for it. That’s one way men see communication different. Men communicate to others to brag to an extent and tell their stories. Women keep quiet and content to themselves till the right opportunity comes for them to speak their mind. Normally that person they want to speak their mind to is the husband.
Martinez #2
Tannen’s research over why women tell the husband that he doesn’t listen or pay attention to her is quite conclusive. Tannen say men don’t want to listen because of the alpha mindset men have. They feel as if they are being talked down upon like a dog or a

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