Setting Boundaries In Relationships

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Are the kind of person who is always eager to please? Perhaps you outstretch yourself so that people don't think ill of you. Or are in a toxic relationship you know you should not be in?
"Setting boundaries is important as it enables you to know when you are being taken advantage of. We may find ourselves in unhealthy relationships, the wrong job or difficult situations." counselling consultant, Marion Mungai says.
"Life can quickly get out of control if you don't stop people from being controlling, critical, pushy, demanding, abusive, invasive or even smothering you with kindness. It's your responsibility to speak up," she advises.
One of the most vital components to creating a happy, healthy, and fulfilling relationship is to become a master at setting boundaries in relationships. In simple terms, boundaries are the thing that keeps us separate from the other person. The boundaries are what set the place between where you end and the other person begins. …show more content…

Often if we have had a parent, guardian or any other person in our lives during childhood who didn’t know how to set boundaries with us, then we have to learn how to do so in relationships.
Consequently, it is good to learn when it is the proper time to set a boundary and how to find a balance between setting boundaries that are either too weak or too strong.
Learning how to properly and effectively set boundaries can be a long process. Mungai shares some basic steps that you can follow:
Recognise and acknowledge your own feelings
In order to set effective boundaries, we must be able to know what it is that we are feeling. Did this person’s critical comment make me feel bad? Is this person making me feel overwhelmed or

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