Seto Elementos Research Paper

649 Words2 Pages

My fascination with cars started with a small Hot Wheels car. One car become 20, 50, 100. By the time I was nine, I must have had every toy car that existed. As I grew, toy cars became a thing of the past and I moved on to bigger and better things. Supercars. While supercars are not the world’s most beneficial invention, in my opinion, they are one of the greatest. The most important thing that differentiates supercars from normal cars was that supercars were light and normal cars were heavy. My favorite supercar is the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento which weighs around 2,200 pounds. A normal car would be an Audi A5 which weighs around 3,500 pounds. The reason the Sesto Elemento weighs around 1,300 pounds lighter than the A5 is because the Lamborghini

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