Service Learning Reflection

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When I first registered for 268-Christian Social Teaching, I did not know what to expect. My assumption was the class would be an educational religion course requiring a lot of community service hours, which I would be struggling to complete. To my amazement, this course opened my eyes and mind to the realities of our world, not only inside the classroom, but also outside the classroom. Prior to participating in this course, I knew a number of people in my community were struggling financially, but I didn’t grasp the full extent of what they went through. However, through this course, I was able to interact with people who weren’t able to do, what I would consider, normal day-to-day activities, such as providing a meal for their family. Through …show more content…

As I previously mentioned, before starting the service-learning hours, I had no idea how I was going to find time in my schedule to fit in 20 hours of service. I am a pre-dental student majoring in biology and when I am not in class I am studying, researching in the lab, or doing homework until I fall asleep at night. Therefore, before starting the service learning hours, I would have preferred to learn about the course strictly in a classroom. However, I learned so much more going to Loaves and Fishes than I ever could have learned in a classroom. For example, one time while volunteering at Loaves and Fishes, I was talking with a client and she told me how this was her first time at our grocery store. She began to tell me how she had just moved to the United States due to a war in her home country where she had lost eight of her children. This made me take a step back and ponder. One of the biggest tragedies in the world is to lose a child, but eight children, I couldn’t even fathom the pain that she and her family must be going through. The woman then told me that coming to our facility is one of the best parts of her day because she’s around so many generous people that sincerely care and want to help her get back on her feet. Experiences like these truly enhanced my learning experience of Christian values and made me realize …show more content…

Surprisingly, as I was conversing with other people my age, I realized many of them were not registered to vote. Once I found this out, I felt as if it was my duty to let them know how easy it is to get registered to vote and how important it is to have a “voice” in the upcoming presidential election. I started assisting people by guiding them through the process of getting registered to vote, however, I found a surprisingly high number of citizens had no interest in becoming registered. When I casually asked them why they did not want to register, they all responded similarly, saying, “No one good is running for president this year.” My thoughts were, if they don’t believe anyone decent is running, at least register to vote to choose which candidate is the better of, “the bad choices.” Therefore, my advice to these individuals was to register to vote anyways. Registering to vote does not require them to vote in the upcoming election, but they will at least have a choice of whether or not they want to vote when the time comes. Moreover, what surprised me the most was how easy the registration process is. The registration process doesn’t take more than two minutes and it can all be completed online. Aside from registering people to vote on campus, I was able to send out Facebook messages to countless numbers of people telling them about

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