Serial Killers And Media Essay

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The occasional murder would not get the same amount of hype, but the heightened obsession and the desire to know more is still present. Media makes everything seem more exciting. The news stations create drama to pull their audience in. The audience does not mind the extra drama because “crimes are a passion among people” (Rivero). The sad thing is that the audience does not care if the facts are misconstrued. All they want is something to talk and think about. The news is becoming more and more misunderstood everyday. Misconceptions of the news are what is driving the force of serial killers. A popular belief is that psychology is to blame, but “society- not psychology- is responsible” (Clark). Continuing down the road of misinterpretation will ultimately be detrimental to us all.
Society’s …show more content…

During the time period, the BSU was formed, and they realized the media attention towards serial killers was not helping the public. Psychopaths and sociopaths live for attention. When they see their face on the news, they could not be happier. As stated before, enjoyment is the number one motive among serial killers and the media feeds their enjoyment. Some serial killers are modest because only “some serial killers certainly seek out media attention” (Clark). The BSU and other police enforcements have informed the media to not publish information about serial killers. If the media keeps publishing, the serial killers keep killing. Most media businesses do not like not being able to publish information about serial killers because murder stories drawn in the largest audiences. For years, the police and the news fought. Finally, the news came to their senses and realized less murder is better than more money. But the real question is, “what explains the continued public interest in serial killer popular culture” (Schmid 62). Profilers have been trying to find out why we love serial killers so much. Surprisingly, the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001 have

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