Selma Phillips: A Model of Courageous Generosity

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As world boxing champion Muhammad Ali once said, “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life” (“Courage”). Helping people around you is courageous. Helping them when you are going through life altering struggles is heroic. Selma Phillips has demonstrated these lessons throughout her life with a good attitude, strong motivation, sacrifices and by volunteering for countless hours in the face of adversity. Growing up in Duluth, Minnesota, Selma learned the importance of being generous and courageous. Selma’s father died helping our country in World War II while on duty as a prison guard in Washington. This showed her that being courageous was an important trait. While Selma’s dad was gone, her mother took care of the family; she even protected them from a black bear on their front porch. The bear came up to the front porch one time and left. The next time the malicious bear came up to …show more content…

She is a survivor of many diverse obstacles. Selma believes maintaining a “never giving up” attitude has given her the strength to push through her difficulties. Along with never giving up, Selma has pushed through her struggles with hard work. Selma helps others because it is what she believes in. In the words of Kendra Cherry, “[Heroes] live by their values and are willing to endure personal risks to protect those values.” Selma volunteers through her church because it is “what God would want her to do” (Phillips). Selma is very loyal to her “moral compass” as Kendra Cherry calls it; she feels good to assist people with what she is able to. Selma’s life has shaped her into being who she is today. Her brain cancer has made her more appreciative of her family, her friends who she plays cards with, and for her parents who taught her the valuable life lessons of being courageous and generous. The struggles in her life have made her want to help others who are having difficulties in their

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