Selling Sex In Advertising

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What are we selling again? Are we selling products or selling sex? Ads have changed throughout the years to make products sexier. Marketing reps make everything about sex. What happened to just selling the liquor for its taste, smell, or social drinking? Advertisers have changed all the suggestive selling ideas from innocent fun to what the brain sees as a normal nowadays, by ads revolving around sexuality. The consumer realize that if you flaunt a half-naked woman in a picture, that the majority will consider to drink that type of liquor hoping to have some of the various effects that they see portrayed in the advertisement will occur for them. Promotional campaigns have changed the way we perceive women on a daily basis. Women are seen as …show more content…

Advertising has shifted to a negative outcome. I can relate to the tactics to keep up with modern advertising. Sex appeal unfortunately is what sells products. Representatives seize the moments to be the best in the marketing world to have the leading edge over competitors. The affects that young girls cannot shake off these days are that women are to be an ideal sex object have everyone lust after them. Girls are taught early to visualize and to obtain the best body necessary to be a perfect idolized sex figure even though this figure is not all that perfect and really does not exist much either. Most ideal bodies we see are made by computer imaging to change, sculpt, or repair to make in the eyes of the buyers, the flawless perception of female beauty. I feel as though women need to be treated equal in advertising. I am not saying since we are going to put a half-naked woman on the beach that we need to put a half-naked man with her. I am saying that the advertising world needs to take a step back and see how this affects the world today. This is way bigger that just advertising it branches off to many different areas to broad to get into on this

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