Selflessness In Nightjohn

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The Importance of Selflessness

Always put others’ needs before your own. Putting others’ needs before your own is being selfless and is not always easy. In NightJohn by Gary Paulsen, a slave named NightJohn goes to help others even when putting them before himself might not be easy or safe.
One example of someone putting others’ needs before their own in NightJohn was when Nightjohn told the story of how he escaped slavery and came back. “‘You ran and got away?” Mammy asked. ‘I did.’ ‘You ran until you were clean away?’ ‘I did.’ ‘And you came back?’ ‘I did.’” (page 55). In this scene, Mammy was really surprised to learn that NightJohn made it safely and was free in the North, but came back to slavery on the plantations in the South …show more content…

“‘I’ll be back,’ he said. ‘Got some things to do and I’ll be back.’ But I knew he was lying… just saying the good things to hear. He ain’t coming back, I thought, and I watched him leave.” (page 81). Even though Sarny thought that NightJohn would be leaving for good, he was instead only leaving for a little while to set up the pit school for the slave children. Yet again, while trying to do something like this he was yet again putting himself in the danger of being caught and punished or sold. On page 85 NightJohn comes back to get Sarny in the middle of the night. He then surprises her and brings her to the pit school. By putting Sarny and the other children's needs before his own NightJohn was able to make the slave children’s lives better. In conclusion, the characters NightJohn and Sarny in the book NightJohn by Gary Paulsen demonstrate that it is important to put others’ needs before your own. Both NightJohn and Sarny put themselves in dangerous situations, but by doing this they were able to benefit others. By living our lives putting others’ needs before our own we can become selfless and more understanding people and affect the world around us for the

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