Gene-Environment Interaction in Human Development

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1. Discuss how one’s genes and one’s environment interact in human development. Define what genes are and what environment is. Provide examples in support of each of these. Are either genes or environment more important in human development? Support your opinion with concrete examples.

Genes is a unit of heredity that is transformed from parent to off spring and is held to determine some characteristics of the off spring. Genes are made up of DNA which act as a directive to create molecules called proteins.” In human’s genes, very in size from just a couple of hundred bases to more than 2 million bases”. Gene is made up of four strings of bases, these bases consist of adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. Humans have between 20,000 to …show more content…

Give an example of how self-serving bias could have negative consequences. Describe self-concept and explain how it is different from self-esteem. Discuss perceived self-control and the related concepts of self-efficacy and locus of control. Self-serving bias consist of internal attribution and external attribution and is referred to people’s likelihood to qualify positive events to their own personality but quality negative events to external component. Self-serving bias practically means you set yourself up for failure. Example, I had a weight lifting tournament a few years back and my coach had suggested that I go check out a similar tournament so that I can know what to expect when my tournament starts. Once I arrived I immediately recognized some of the participants that were lifting because they were on the list to lift against me. But I have never seen them in person before I just only heard of what they can do. In addition, they were in the same weight class that I am in the weight lifting tournament. I sat and watch these men lift weights way out of my lead, I mean way out!!! These guys where benching 650 pounds and I was still struggling with 500 pounds. Immediately I knew that I was not going to win the tournament so strain my hamstring on purpose so that I would not have to participate in the tournament. My coach was

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