Self Respect In Kristin Cashore's Graceling

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People are often told that self respect is important for different reasons. “Respect your efforts, respect yourself. Self-respect leads to self-discipline. When you have both firmly under your belt, that's real power” (Clint Eastwood). Dignity, integrity, and confidence are crucial because they allow people to accept themselves. Self respect in Kristin Cashore’s “Graceling” provides Bitterblue, Po, and Katsa with the strength they require to overcome obstacles. First of all, with self respect, Bitterblue gains the power that is necessary to overcome challenges. First off, Bitterblue stands up for Katsa. Bitterblue demands King Ror and Po’s brothers to “... not hurt [Katsa]...” (418) because she believes that Katsa “...did right” (418) and …show more content…

First, Katsa defies King Randa. King Randa treats Katsa like a personal thug and demands she punish innocent people. Katsa realizes that “No one can make [her] do anything” (164). She rebels because she knows that King Randa’s men cannot “force [her] to go against [her] will” (167). Katsa’s confidence strengthens her, which allows her to face King Randa. Also, Katsa does not want “ live like a tracked animal” (170). Her dignity gives her the strength to escape King Randa’s control. Additionally, Katsa allows herself to fall in love with Po. Katsa respects herself and her desires. Self respect allows Katsa to fall in love with Po and be happy even though she fears that “Her freedom would not be her own” (237). She dismisses the notion that being in a relationship restricts freedom and independence, which demonstrates that she wishes the best for herself. Equally as important, Katsa keeps Bitterblue alive in Grella’s Pass. Katsa chooses to go through Grella’s Pass because she has confidence that she and Bitterblue can survive. Katsa respects her survival skills, which gives her the strength and courage to trek through Grella’s Pass. All in all, Katsa’s self respect helps her overcome obstacles that she

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