Self-Esteem Implicit Association Test Essay

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In the Anecdotal Assignment 2 that focuses on IAT (Implicit Association Test) which is Examining your implicit and explicit attitudes we were given the option to select from several different categories. The first category I selected to tested for was the self esteem implicit association test. The self-esteem implicit test helps us understand how people think about the different types of mental health issues and provides us with an educational experience for each. While many people tend to just ask someone what they classify their self-esteem. Furthermore, which makes people tend to think what they feel about their selves. How do they classify their self-esteem good or bad, high or low? Many people suffer from having low self-esteem and criticism their selves …show more content…

The criticism can range from I don’t like my outfit to I look fat in everything I wear. Which then cause several problems that effect the mental health process. My experience while the taking self-esteem implicit test was very disappointing. I really was hoping that I would be able to interpret some good results and learn a little more about my self-esteem. However, I think I expected for self-esteem implicit test to give excellent feedback, provide resources to help you work on your self-esteem issues and great tips. which I did not it just provide one sentence results and if you were able to get results. Unfortunately, my results for this test showed error where I was very disappointed because I was expecting to receive some type of results. Therefore, I went back to the Implicit Association Test and choose another Implicit Association Test to take. The test that I chose to take was Eating Implicit Association Test because I figured I could receive some type of results from this test rather than the self-esteem association test.. The eating implicit association test focuses on someone thinking about low and high-fat foods, with the persons responses on how quickly you can

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