Selena Gomez Research Paper

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Hero: “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” Selena Gomez in definition is a hero. Most people when they think of a hero they think of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman but what people do not consider is how Selena Gomez could be a hero, because she is strong, giving, and loyal. All of the things that make up a hero.
Selena was awarded the Women’s award. She was more than deserving because she donated and visited many charities, went on a world tour, all while she was battling lupus. Lupus is a disease where the immune system attacks its own self. She had to get a kidney transplant or else she would’ve died. Her strong words of saying “If you are broken you do not have to stay broken.” inspired many of people not only just her fans. She is a strong woman that if she puts her mind towards something can accomplish it. She states how battling her disease made her more opening and how it made her realize that people have this and how she did not want to accept that she had it but she still had to move forward and push on despite having that set back. …show more content…

Most celebrities don’t go out and do things like that unless their manager makes them do it but Selenas is right out of the kindness of her heart.. She became UNICEF's youngest ever Goodwill Ambassador, she was a spokesperson for the Trick or Treat campaign, this campaign worked to raise awareness of the plight of children in Ghana, and she also walked on a cat walk for a fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital which raised over a million

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