Security Persuasive Speech

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” The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe” (H.L Mencken). We agree that we would feel safer choosing security rather than freedom, but is it something that we already have, that isn’t taken too seriously? We are given many opportunities to protect our own selves but it is how we choose to do so. Would you want to be dangerously free or be under a government who takes over you and doesn’t allow any freedom? As we go back to the tragedy taking place on September 11, 2001, we learn that the hijacking of American airlines flight 11 and United airlines flight 175 were led by al-Qaeda and their leader Osama bin Laden. The main question being asked was about “How did the hijackers get onto the plane? Wasn’t there security?”. Airports being at the top of the list since the 9/11 attack due to the lack of poor security. How do we choose security over freedom if we can’t even trust guards at the airport to protect …show more content…

Does the amendment really protect us? As we have seen television shows such as cold case, CSI, other discovering murdering case shows we learn that not all privacy is protected. The government is already allowing us freedom and protection but we have neither. “In seconds, they can track almost everywhere Jason Bourne, the main character, has been and where he’s going – his flights, train trips and hotels” (The Bourne Identity, 2002). The government has gone out of control based off this movie showing how they can examine your online behavior and track your online data. How do you want protection if you can’t even get privacy without thinking you’re being guilty of anything? With freedom, we are given rights to do whatever we want. Stay out late, hang out with friends, meet up with family etc. but whatever problem we get in it’s the consequences we must face on our

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