Sea Lions And Seals Similarities

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If you go to SeaWorld you can see many different types of marine life. You can see a Orca perform tricks, a seal lion balance a ball on their nose, and a seal being majestic as heck. People usually mix up seals and sea lions. Although seals and sea lions have some similarities, they have differences too such as their physical attributes and behavior. The physical attributes of seals and sea lions may look the same but, they differ in a lot of ways. For one, seals were built to live better in water than in land. Seals have hind flippers that angle backwards and don’t rotate they can swim faster. Sea lions have rotating hind flippers. Sea lions can hold their breath for 8-20 minutes while seals can hold theirs for two hours, thus giving them …show more content…

Seals like to be alone and they’re usually spotted alone. Seals only go on land together to mate once a year so they can’t really socialize and make friends. Seals don’t talk either, they only make soft grunts. Sea lions on the other hand are very social. They travel in groups and they are very loud. Most groups have thousands of sea lions and they travel together. Sea lions depend on each other unlike seals because they’re independent. Although seals and sea lions look different, their ancestors and cousins are the same. Seals and sea lions come from the same family, the Pinniped family, which means fin-footed in latin. The family is made of seals, sea lions, and walruses. Seals and sea lions are also related to domestic dogs and bears. Seals and sea lions are both semi-aquatic animals, they also have the word sea in their names. Seals and sea lions are also different in talent. A lot of sea lions are in circuses and you would probably see one if you went to a circus. Since seal lions can “walk” they’re more likely to be recruited into a circus then a squirming seal. Sea lions can also be trained to balance balls on their noses. Sea lions can also jump in and out of water like a dolphin. Sea lions can also spin in circles. Seals can kiss people if trained. They can’t do much because they can’t walk, only squirm. Seals also go down slides as SeaWorld as a spontaneous

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