Alcohol: A Toxin Beyond Personal Harm

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Alcohol is the most commonly consumed harmful toxin. It is to be assumed that by the time the average person reaches the legal drinking age of twenty-one, they have heard most of the warnings and horror stories that go along with this notorious party favor. People frequently have a drink after a hard day or just a couple rounds with friends at a social gathering; yet it is when alcohol consumption goes beyond moderate drinking that real health problems can arise. Health problems are not the sole concern individuals should consider before taking their next sip. This is because alcoholism does not just affect the alcoholic; it can involve those who love and support them as well. Scott Sanders describes his father in his essay, “Under the Influence” like a stranger and as fearful as any graveyard lunatic when drunk (Sanders 235). In reality, this form of alcohol abuse has an increased …show more content…

It is a clear and colorless liquid with a profound odor. Ethanol is used as a beverage; whether the drink is beer, wine or hard liquor, it is a liquid drug that slows down the central nervous system just like a sedative. Ethyl alcohol is actually classified as a food because it has calories, although it does not have any nutritional value therefore the calories are measured as empty calories. Ethanol is not digested or transported to the bodies’ cells like the normal digestive process; instead it is absorbed directly into the blood stream. Alcohol travels throughout the body by diluting itself in the water already present in the organ systems. Most vital organs, such as the brain, need a large amount of water and blood to function and are particularly vulnerable to the effects of ethyl alcohol. Other than being used as a beverage, ethyl alcohol can be used to clean surfaces from micro organisms, for that reason, one can presume it is toxic to the

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