Scott Fitzgerald's Use Of Literary Techniques In The Great Gatsby

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The Jazz Age was considered to be a generation of music, celebrations, greed and pleasure. Fitzgerald creates an image of the early 1920’s through various applications of literary techniques to develop the importance and idea of being accepted. The text highlights society and class through the use of metaphor and simile, love is explored throughout symbolism and isolation exists in distinction to allusion.

An example of how Fitzgerald uses metaphors is seen in how he describes Gatsby’s party guests, as they are depicted as being almost indistinguishable. The following metaphor defines the entire era during the 19th century, in terms of clothing styles, hair styles, interests and behaviour. “There was music from my neighbour’s house through …show more content…

A green light beams through the end of a deck of Daisy’s house, East Egg across the bay towards Gatsby’s lawn, West Egg. Fitzgerald illustrates these visions of Gatsby trying to reach out for the green light, in chapter 1 in the act of a pathway. “He stretched out his arms towards the dark water in a curious way, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away”- Nick. Already stated, the light is symbolic of Jay Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the planned future including Daisy. “unattainable dream, “the dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it” – narrator, Nick. The long emotional distance Gatsby has for Daisy is noticeable, as it is expressed through the green light. Furthermore, the green stain of the figure symbolises success, money and acceptance. Thus his visions of the forthcoming American Dream “rages to riches” is no more complete as far as he strips of Daisy’s affection back. Hence in so doing this, grasping the green light means fulfilling the expressive gap between themselves in distinction in the past. through symbolism, the author has successfully defined the strong chemistry between Gatsby and Daisy. The green light relates to the theme of love because it is a sign of the gaping hole of Gatsby’s wants for

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