School Lunches Essay

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The greatest health risk facing children today is not a terrible disease such as cancer, or an unthinkable trauma such as abuse; it is obesity, which is defined by the medical community as the accumulation of body fat levels above 25% in boys and 32% in girls. The growing concern for obesity as a public health concern for children has led to an effort to combat this disease. The movement is marked by an effort to improve the health content of school lunches. However, this movement has lacked conclusive evidence to support the thesis that changes in school lunches will result in the weight loss in children because children will not eat the same at home.
In order to instill in children the importance the importance of a healthy diet and aid the movement by schools, it is essential that children start eating nutrition’s at home. Obesity can be prevented if more parents would get actively involved in their children eating habits at an early age by serving as positive role models. Children are constantly observing their parents actions and are eagered to follow their parent’s actions. Some parents don’t understand the impact they have in their children’s lives. Some parents encourage their children to eat vegetables and exercise by doing it …show more content…

Parents are unaware of the health problems that come from obesity such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, etc. Some children who are overweight also tend to feel insecure, unhappy, get teased, and be stressed out. Being obese may run in a child family or their parent maybe overweight but that shouldn’t stop parents from encouraging their children to exercise or eat their vegetables. A lot of children that are obesity spend a lot of time indoors playing video games or watching television while eating

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