Schizophrenia In A Beautiful Mind

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The disorder schizophrenia usually causes individuals to think of John Nash in the movie “A Beautiful Mind." Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder, which affects a great population of the human race (Javitt and Joseph 48). As like most of the schizophrenia's victims, John Nash developed the disorder in his early adulthood. The emergence of schizophrenia in early adulthood shows that brain growth stays underway during this time. Nevertheless, John Nash's intelligence is unexpected features of schizophrenic as it is often associated with a diminishing IQ as it advances. Schizophrenia affects the victim as well as those around him or her. A schizophrenic victim usually experiences trouble leading a normal life.
Schizophrenia is connected with symptoms such as lack of interpersonal associations, disorganized character, delusions, and hallucinations (Nasar 12). All these symptoms are depicted by John Nash in the movie, “A Beautiful Mind” In the starting of the film, Nash is focused young man looking for the perfect original thought as a …show more content…

In college, Nash strange mannerism and his awkward character made him lose some of his friends and students. His regular writing of formulae on the panes and wearing a knitted hat regularly appeared out of place and made his friends scorn him. Indeed, the event of him being dared to talk to an unrecognized girl and her hitting him caused him to become the substance of his friend's jokes. Nash was deemed to have undesirable characteristics. In the movie, it is shown that Nash was always absent-minded. For instance, he permitted his son to almost drowning in the bathtub while his entire mind was directed to finish his secret work (Nasar 14). The delusion behavior concerning the secret state matters distressed his wife and friends to the extent of mistrusting his words, although, in reality, he was creating tales to his delusions and

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