Schizophrenia Hallucinations

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects your ability to understand reality. It impacts your thought process, emotions, decision making and overall behaviour. Researchers are unsure about the exact cause of this mental illness but they suggest that the majority of the cases are caused by an imbalance in the brain’s structure or environmental causes. Schizophrenia can emerge at any age; however, the majority develops it between ages 15 to 40. The first common symptom of schizophrenia is hallucinations which occur when you sense something that isn’t there. The hallucinations are formed by your mind and they distort reality by making you hear, see, feel, or smell something that isn’t actually there. Delusions are another symptom of schizophrenia and they make you believe …show more content…

During the winter, when his Ontario forestry season had come to an end, my brother decided to stay in the province and work for a snow removal company. One weekend, the team was working on removing the snow from the upper floor of the Oakville hospital parking garage. During his break, he stood inside of the hospital near the entrance and then a man in his early twenties stood next to him. The man was quite friendly and started a conversation with my brother. Curious as to what he was doing at the hospital, my brother asked the man and he responded that he was a patient. Openly, the man said he had schizophrenia. Of course my brother had heard of this mental illness before but he didn’t exactly know what it entailed. Then in all honesty, my brother asked the man about what he was going through. The man told him that he experienced hallucinations where he would hear voices around him. Then he continued and told my brother about his medication, his treatment, and the other side of his life that included his love for

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