Scary Story Essay

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What Makes a Good Scary Story?
People love to be scared. They like to read and see scary stories. But their views on what they deem freighting changes from person to person. One may say clowns are the things of nightmares, while another argues that zombie are worst. So what is a common denominator that makes a good scary story? Typically it is the attention to detail, the way the writers creates a relatable character, or even ow realistic the scary situation is. If a story has these basic characterizes it is almost guaranteed that it will be considered a good scary story.
Detail is an important writing point for scary stories. The writer should be able to create a picture in the reader mind of the situation. But also leaving some detail vague …show more content…

Rather than have a killer swing or a bed that causes people to go mad for some dumb reason, take was most commonly scared a person and go from there. To use a zombie is not always a bad idea, as long as it doesn’t sound like every other zombie book, the trick is to use it and the characters as realistically as possible with also having a real story. Having the characters freak out but also thinking about what to do next will make for a better story. But if the writers was to make the zombie that can only walk while spinning or something, then the story becomes ridiculous. Instead, fast zombie are the better bet. Slow ones are easy enough to avoid but the fast ones can be a forced to be reckoned with. So have the scary elements in the story realistically and the more terrifying it will be for the reader, because the more likely it will seem to happen.
Scary stories are always appreciated in the world. And a good one is usually on the best sellers list. The common factors are: an attention to detail and how to properly work to the writers’ benefit; having reliable characters that could make the reader believe that they would act the same way; and realistic happening so the readers think that the story could potentially happen at any day or moment. The more life like the story is the more success the writer will have in making people scared to turn out their

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