Savings Account Research Paper

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Have you ever wished that your parents would get you that one thing that you want? Like a house, game, toy, ball, or even maybe a car. You just wished that they could get you that one thing and you start thinking about what your going to say to them. At the end you decide to ask for it and not argue or you decided to beg for it. That small chance that they did say it and they say yes. For me I want a car when I get my driving license. The reasons this would be good is I can use my money on college supplies instead of the car. With the money I can also but food, water, and clothes. With a car I could get to places faster. Lastly with the money I can start putting it in my savings account. I should get a car from my parents. One reason, is I could put the money into college and the supplies instead of a car. A college tuition costs about $9650 at a public college while …show more content…

I think this because to me I think a college tuition is the most important because what's the point of buying food and water when I can’t even afford college. The food and water are where they are because I need them but they aren't the hard to get. My savings account is the least important. It is the least important because I still have many years to put money in their but to me it would be nice to start earlier. My parents should buy me a car because of three reasons college tuitions are very expensive, I need to buy clothes, food, and water, and I want to start saving money for my retirement. Even if my parents buy the car for me a college tuition would still be hard to save up for and get due to how expensive most of them are. Food, water, and clothes I just need to survive and keep warm. If I start saving when I am younger I could have more money in their so I can retire more comfortable. In summary those are the reasons why my parents should buy a car for

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