Savagery In Toni Morrison's Beloved

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Sethe's claim of her child's life runs against the community's strategies of resistance. She breaks their community's norms of keeping the family unity alive, and destroys the holly African mother image who is the giver of life and wisdom. As a result, they developed a barrier between them and her so that those twenty-eight days of freedom turns to eighteen years of condemnation (326). Adding up, the community blames Sethe for the terrifying ghost in her house. For them, Beloved returns to haunt Sethe and this proof that Sethe should be punished for her brash decision that takes the lives of the whole family not only Beloved. 2-Anything Dead Coming Back to Life Hurts: According to Christopher Peterson "slavery destroys slave kinship …show more content…

Sethe tries to kill her boys by butchering them in the head in which both of them "lying open-eyed in the sawdust" (287). Sethe's sons become the symbol of her insanity and savagery. After the attack, Howard and Buglar "wouldn't let go each other's hands. Played that way: stayed that way especially in their sleep" (347). They show symptoms of fear and solitude. After Sethe returns from prison, neither Buglar nor Howard let their mother touch or even being around them which proves that they cannot trust her for their safety. For them, this safety is threatened by a mother with "something in her that makes it all right to kill her own" (393). Eventually, Howard and Buglar run away: There was a time when she scanned the fields every morning and every evening for her boys. When she stood at the open window, unmindful of flies, her head cocked to her left shoulder, her eyes searching to the right for them . . . Little by little she stopped and their thirteen-year-old faces faded completely into their baby ones, which came to her only in sleep . . . she saw them sometimes in beautiful trees, their little legs barely visible in the leaves. Sometimes they ran along the railroad track laughing, too loud, apparently, to hear her because they never did turn around.

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