Satire Essay On War On Drugs

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1. The “War on Drugs” is a pointless effort that has cost countless lives, billions of dollars, and imprisons millions of non-violent criminals who need help, not a prison sentence. Even after years of fighting a war against drugs, putting in all that effort and putting strict policies into place, drugs are still as easy to obtain as they were years ago. Pretty much anywhere you go, you can acquire drugs. I can walk down two streets over in my neighborhood and get marijuana, pills or even cocaine, and I live in a relatively nice area in Bel Air! We are nowhere near winning the war on drugs, nor do I believe we will ever be. The War on Drugs is a failure. It’s just one big circle that we keep going around and around. We need to stop blaming inanimate objects for the actions …show more content…

I believe that legally regulating and taxing most of the drugs that are now illegal would drastically reduce the drug related crime, violence, and put a hurting on the black market. It would also fix the safety issues of unregulated drugs, improve public safety, and allow taxpayer’s money to be put to use on more useful things. Take marijuana for example, that means legally regulating and taxing it like you would with alcohol or cigarettes. Marijuana is now legal for medical purposes in almost half of the states; millions of people can buy their medicine in government licensed dispensaries. Colorado and Washington legally regulate and tax marijuana, sort of like how it is with alcohol. The benefits of doing this are huge, with very little risk. As for the other drugs, check out what Portugal is doing. Nobody goes to jail for possessing drugs and the government's made a serious commitment to treating addiction as a health issue, as it should be treated. “Drug use has declined overall among the 15- to 24-year-old population, those most at risk of initiating drug use. There has also been a decline in the percentage of the population who have ever used a drug and then continue to do

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