Sarah And Hannah Research Paper

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Of all God’s plans for womankind, childbearing plays one of the largest roles in the Bible. Sarah and Hannah share the sorrows and challenges of being barren women. Although they share the same unfortunate circumstances, the journey each woman takes from being barren to fertile differ. They seem to have it all. The two women have wealth, beauty, and husbands that loves them. But Sarah and Hannah both have the same deep longing that makes their lives miserable. These stories teach readers of today’s world that the deepest longings of the human heart can only be satisfied through God’s grace. Sarah’s story can be found beginning in the twelfth chapter of Genesis. Her husband, Abraham, is promised numerous descendants by God. God makes his promise to Abraham very clear but yet His way of working is most defiantly not expressed clearly. As Abraham and Sarah age, the pair remain childless. She was barren. Sarah, taking matters into her own hands, gives her slave girl named Hagar to Abraham to serve as a surrogate. Hagar conceives and bears a son whom she names Ishmael. Sarah grows envious of Hagar’s success and Hagar treats Sarah with “contempt” which leads to more unfulfillment and heartache for Sarah and conflict between the whole family unit. Although …show more content…

She asks God directly. She does not have her husband speak for her or her priest. Hannah goes to God herself and she has a relationship with Him. Hannah takes her prayer of protest and attempts to strike up a deal with God. In her prayer, Hannah directly pleads to God. She promises she will give up her son to Him if He will bless her with a male child. Hannah asks God to remember her, as if in her barrenness He has forgotten. As Eli overhears her prayer and confronts her, Hannah takes action in explaining her situation to him. Because of her explanation, he sends her off with a blessing. That blessing leads to the conception of her son as the Lord does indeed remember

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