Santiago Munez American Dream

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The definition of the American Dream varies between cultures in today’s society. The main theme of having the opportunity of success and prosperity in the United States of America is the same, but how each citizen thinks of what achieving success is, is different. Some even question if the American Dream exists. In a time where immigration of minorities is a controversial topic in the US, the theme of minorities and how they achieve their dreams in film sometimes lags behind the Hollywood stories of athletic achievement. With a special emphasis on the portrayal of Mexican immigrants, this essay will analyze and interpret the American Dream that Santiago Munez (from Goal! The Dream Begins) and his family are determined to reach. The film Goal! …show more content…

Work opportunities in America for his father and himself allowed him to support the Munez family, development and maturity in the United States made him believe in the American Dream, Santiago’s Grandmother was given the opportunity to sell her valuables in America (To make money for Santiago), Santiago was given the opportunity to be recognized by an English soccer scout in America, and finally, the freedom and flexibility to create new businesses in America allowed Herman to make more money to support Santiago’s family while Santiago was …show more content…

It may be that Mexican culture’s idea of lifestyle success is different from America’s. Based upon Herman, he is very hard working and will never give up to support his family. Herman and Santiago grew up in different settings. The common path and goal for American people is to get educated, attend college, and get a job with a well paying salary. Even President Obama has stated, “The American Dream is construed as a force driving actors to succeed in school and, ultimately, in the larger world of work” (Collin 165). College was not an option for Santiago. Between 5 and 10 percent of illegal immigrant 65,000 high school graduates attend college per year (Gonzales). In Herman’s mind, paying for a trip to England wasn’t in the cards either. It may have been in Herman’s blood to think that Santiago should continue to have Santiago be involved in manual labor, because it paid the

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