Sandra Cisneros Only Daughter

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“I am an only daughter in a Mexican family of six sons… I am the only daughter of a mexican father and a Mexican-American mother...I am the only daughter of a working-class family of nine.” In the opening line of “Only Daughter” by Sandra Cisneros, she includes sentences she believes “explains everything,”(paragraph 2). What Cisneros wants her readers to understand is that she was the only daughter in a Mexican family, and how that contributed to her writing. As she explains in the writing, she wrote for her father. He was the stereotypical patriarchal figure that believed women were to wives, and in this traditional box Cisneros finds herself unable to conform. In her guilt, almost subconsciously, she begins to write about her family, …show more content…

“I am an twin in a Black family of 3 kids.” Or, “I am the middle child in a Black family, of one son and two daughters.” Also, “I am a twin, in a single-parent family of four people.” Although this explained who I was in a literal way, I favored sentences like “I am a girl who goes to school, and is trying to find new hobbies.” Unlike Cisneros, whose identity revolves around her gender, and ethnicity. Yet, my ethnicity as a black person, doesn't force certain cultural ideas or moral judgments, so I feel as though I have more space to identify myself. I feel like the first sentence was important “I am the middle child in a Black family,” as it explains that I’m Black and a middle child, which contributes a lot to my role at home. Especially since I am now the oldest at home. Likewise, ““I am a girl who goes to school, and is trying to find hobbies,” is an important aspect of my identity, not because of the actual elements, but it shows that I’m still on a path for improvement. As someone that is still discovering my aspirations and what I enjoy, including that in my identity in important, because it explain my views and mindset; constantly shifting and

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