Sample Para For One More Night RPG

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“What have I done… What have I done….”
Grace didn’t understand this feeling, the guilt that coursed through her veins, seemed to bubble as Grace sat at the window of her family’s caravan, The soft rock and roll that feel from the small radio in her mobile sanctuary seemed to be the only thing that kept her calm these days. The those who opposed them, hunters were not known as a soft people, they were warriors, uncompromising, ready to go to any means to destroy the monsters that plagued their earth, but they still were a people, and Grace was a person, a person who let music soothe her. And yet, while the smooth sound of the Eagles sang through the small speakers from the radio, Grace didn’t feel that comfort. It was nowhere in sight. Her eyes were red, and dry, from the short crying jag she’d allowed herself. Not that Grace was one for crying in general, it was a weakness she didn’t exactly have the leisure of possessing. She recalled how the elders would tell her “No Amet would cease its rampage due to the tears of a young girl.” their little way of telling Grace to buck up for things to come, and she had. However the past events, fears she’d relented for them.
Her twenty third birthday had come and gone, a small celebration between the small moving camp, but it was a celebration nevertheless. She and her mother had gone through pictures, the film only few years old seemed older in the woman’s hands… one particular photograph she saw herself, her mother and her father. She wasn’t sure of the sensation that followed, but it was all wrong. She didn’t feel that sense of change she knew. When you’re sixteen, you feel different from that of when you were thirteen, when you were eighteen, you felt different from that of when you were ...

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...hoice did she have? Dagger still in her hands, she started out on foot off of the temporary campsite and made her way into the woods. She did her best to run at top speed, legs pumping, her mind already turning with what to do next. She wanted to stop, she wanted to cry, her entire body wanted to fall apart, but she didn’t have the leisure of coming to terms with this right here and now, Grace had to keep running, because she understood the look on Jeremiah’s face, the way he yelled, nothing hindering him as he threw that dagger. If she didn’t run now, they were going to kill her and their only reasoning behind it was it was what they were meant to do. So she continued on, biting on her lip to keep herself from openly sobbing. She could cry when the lights of the fire died and the voices died out when she was safe, but now she had to stay alive. Grace had to survive.

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