Same Love Video Analysis

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We are all the Same In the music video “Same Love” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, a boy’s life, from when he was first-born all the way to his wedding, shows the emotions he has from trying to hide his sexuality. The song expresses the struggles and truth behind the judgment of homosexuals. The song being a tremendous supporter for all homosexuals. The quality of production, how the message is shown, and the different view points are some of the ways Ben Haggerty’s “Same Love” has affected his viewers. “Same Love” has talented directors, actors, and artists involved in the music video. The production quality of the video is wonderfully done. It was professionally produced and relatable. The video was focused and the sound was clear. The singer’s diction was perfect! and the audience could understand every word. The performance of the actors was moving and made the audience feel the same experience as the characters in the video. This causes the audience to focus and bond to the video. “Same Love” seems to have captured the nation’s mood, reflecting growing support among young adults for gay marriage in polling” (McKinley, par. 4). The actor’s portrayal of the characters in the video played a significant role in helping the production …show more content…

“’It has brought up an issue that was being pushed under the rug,’ [Macklemore] said” (McKinley, par. 12). The song has helped people in many ways and it makes the audience realize and understand the true problem. It compares past events with ones currently happening now. The song and music video send a beautiful message in a unique way and shows a different perspective certain people might have not seen before. The performance of the actors was professional and the quality of the whole video was great. There is not one downside to this video in any way. It was magnificent and opened people’s eyes to see that there will be “No freedom till we’re equal…” (Haggerty, et

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