Salt To The Sea By Ruta Sepetys

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The historical fiction book Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys is a book based in the time of WWII. It has four main characters named Florian, Emilia, Alfred, and Joana. Their stories start off in different places and in the end all tie together. Florian starts off . Joana is with her own separate group and Alfred is at a Nazi boat dock. Joana, Emilia, and Florian meet up in the middle of the book. The three of them work together, even through the toughest times, and make their way to the Wilhelm Gustloff. When the boat gets hit by Russian torpedoes and starts to sink, they still stick together and trust each other. The whole book Salt to the Sea can connect to the theme that trust can benefit. The theme connects to the book because the characters stick together and have trust in each other. This helps them get through all the hardships, no matter what happens throughout the book. …show more content…

Emilia does not have her own papers, but the papers of an older woman named Una that had died. The Germans kept commanding Emilia to show them her papers. Shoe Poet steps up and says, “Una, dear, are you all right?” Emilia does not say anything back in reply because she does not speak German, only Polish. Shoe Poet steps up once again and says, “As you can see, Una’s quite far along, and she appears to be ill.” This shows trust between the two of them because if Emilia did not trust where Poet was going with what he said then they both would have been caught by the Germans and they would have been

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