Saddam Hussein

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Saddam Hussein

Saddam is a dictator. He has run Iraq for 23 years.

Lots of Iraqi people are scared of him. He has killed and tortured

many of his enemies.

He has burnt towns to the ground, and persecuted some ethnic groups.

His opponents have not come up with anyone strong enough to overthrow


Although he is a violent and dangerous man some Iraqi people respect

him as a strong leader.

[IMAGE]Why might America attack?

The two countries are old enemies. They fought a war in the 1990s.

Iraq lost but Saddam stayed in charge.

Weapons of mass destruction

The Americans believe Saddam has stockpiled chemical weapons and is

trying to build a nuclear bomb.

He also has some missiles that can fly long distances. These could be

used to attack other countries.


After the attack on the twin towers the American Government began a

war against terror.

[IMAGE]They said they were going to attack anyone associated with

terrorism. They say this includes Iraq.

Why do some people like him?

Saddam is popular with some people. They see him as a leader who

stands up to America.

Many Arabs are angry at America and Western countries. They blame them

for the problems in the Middle East.

Saddam has defied Israel and America but had stayed in power. This is

very unusual.

[IMAGE]Is Britain going to war?

The Americans would like to get rid of Saddam. Going to war would be

one way to achieve this.

Many people are saying that British troops might get involved if there

was an attack.

The American President has not definitely said there will be a war.

More about Saddam Hussein

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