Sadako And The Thousand Paper Cranes By Eleanor Coerr

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I really like stories that have interesting characters . After reading Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, Written by Eleanor Coerr, I’ve analyzed what kind of character Sadako is, I believe that some of the traits of Sadako are : courageous, fast, and superstitious. First of all , Sadako is courageous because the in the text it said, “Her courage made her a heroine to children in Japan”. (page 8) She shows this trait in many other ways, for example when Sadako suffered from Leukemia, she didn’t complain. Sadako is also Superstitious because in the text it says, “But I do respect Oba Chan.” (page 11). Oba chan is Sadako’s dead grandmother. She died from the atom bomb disease. It also says, “Sadako was looking at the

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