Creative Writing: Empire Island

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Ch 1: Capture

I awoke in a cold sweat, with a bad feeling in my gut. Unable to shake it, and subsequently fall asleep, I decided to take a shift on the guard tower. Sitting up, with a grunt, I dragged myself out of bed, and towards the door. As I stumbled out into the street, and turned to face the tower, the pain doubled, but I shook it off as eating some bad pork.
Making my way down the street I continued to feel more and more suspicious. “Of course nothing could be wrong, it’s dead quiet and we’re Takou, for Pete’s sake” I thought to myself as I climbed the ladder. Reaching the top of the ladder, I woke the on call guard, and relieved him of his duties. Due to the fact that our city was completely neutral, and surrounded by allies, we had very laid back guard system. A fatal mistake.
Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted movement in shadow of the wall. As I looked over the side of the wall to inspect what I saw, I immediately thought,”HOLY, FREAKING CRAP!”
At least ten people were crawling towards wall, but the longer i looked the more I saw. 10, 20, 30, every second the number increased, I could see hundreds of attackers, all clad in black, crawling for the wall. Frozen, I …show more content…

As the flames approached I laid down defeated, ready to accept the sweet release of death. It would be moments until the fire reached me, but then, by the grace of God, the wall crumbled. Standing up, thanking my lucky stars, I , in a daze, left the destroyed building. After regaining my sense of direction, I headed towards the East gate. Everywhere I looked, Bodies, both dead and dieing, littered the streets. My eyes filled with tears, knowing that, no matter how hard I tried, I could do nothing to help them. Continuing on my way, trying my best to block out their cries for help, bottling up all my emotions, and shoving them down deep inside. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw

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