What Is Ruth A Hero

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To women and some men, she is a hero, and to anti-feminists she is a villain. Moreover, there are still many people who do not applaud Ruth on the wonderful changes Ruth has made to American society. For growing up in the mid 90s, it is shocking to some that Ruth is not against abortion. After fighting for women to have the freedom to decide for themselves, Ruth said, “Reproductive choice has to be straightened out. There will never be a woman of means without choice anymore. That just seems to me so obvious. The states that changed their abortion laws before Roe are not going to change back. So we have a policy that only affects poor women, and it can never be otherwise.” However, Ruth is not against nor for abortion rather she is wants people …show more content…

She wants freedom for everyone and for every one to be allowed to make their own decisions. She said, “In recent years, people have said, ‘This is the way I am.’ And others looked around, and we discovered it’s our next-door neighbor–we’re very fond of them or it’s our child’s best friend, or even our child. I think that as more and more people came out and said that ‘this is who I am,’ the rest of us recognized that they are one of us.” Nonetheless, Ruth has both Republicans and Democrats supporting her. During her confirmation, even though she was in favor of a liberal society, she received 96 votes and 41 of those votes were from the Republican Party. (Todd, Bridgit, 9 …show more content…

In this article Ginsburg and Steinem discussed their college lifestyles and how the varied and Ginsburg said this about Steinem’s school, “It was a women’s college, but the emphasis was on marriage. Even the Smith president of the era said, ‘We are educating women because to have educated children, we must have educated mothers.’ The idea that women would do something other than produce children was not out there.” Ruth spoke about how she was truly one of a kind. She was raised to be independent and to focus in on more than just being a wife and a mother, she wanted a career for herself. Because of the cruel treatment and discrimination Ruth went through while growing up and going to college, it shaped her into the strong and mindful feminist that she is today. People admire her; she is essentially one of the few reasons that women are treated equally in today’s society. Due to her past, people expected nothing but the best from Ruth when she was nominated and confirmed into the Supreme Court Justice. (Galanes, Philip) (Supreme Court) (Over Ginsburg’s

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