Rutgers School Of Nursing EOF Program Analysis

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School, though it is one word, it is a word that will change everything in my life. One word that will determine my future and what it holds. Choosing to be a part of the Rutgers School of Nursing’s EOF Program is a massive opportunity for me to had come upon in many ways socially, academically, and financially. I love that the program offers students, like me, a chance to taste the atmosphere of college before our semester begins in Fall. I believe it is beneficial how we are taking college introductory courses and are able to meet new students and staffs before starting in Fall. Furthermore, my parents come from Vietnam and sacrificed a lot for my family to make sure we will achieve a higher education prior to high school. My father is unemployed and my mother makes $20,000 a year with efforts to raise 5 children to become successful. My parents pushed school towards me and my siblings because they want to guarantee that we have a chance at an education, unlike them. However, my parents blame themselves and are disappointed that they cannot help much with our education. …show more content…

Therefore, the main reason I chose this program is because the staff and students here knows our struggle. They understand it. They know that college is expensive. They know that we need help academically and financially. I love how this program can provide help for me, not just financially, but, beneficial actions to make sure my future is straight ahead of me. I believe in the EOF’s program’s goal. I love how those involved in this program believes in me. I know for a fact success will thrive from this program and will get me far. So, school? Yes, it is small. Six letters, one syllable. Yet, those six letters, including the EOF program, will get me far and will ensure a successful

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