Russia in the Period of 1905-1941

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Russia in the Period of 1905-1941

a) Trotsky succeeded in supporting the Bolsheviks because of the way

he controlled the people. He joined the Bolshevik party in 1917

because he disapproved of the Mensheviks and the Provisional

Government. In the Russian congress of Soviets in June 1917 the

Bolsheviks had less than half the members of the SR’s and Mensheviks.

By October 1917 the Bolsheviks had around 300,000 members who was a

massive amount compared to February 1917 where they only had around

23,500. Trotsky was a key figure in organising the October revolution

and after it Trotsky and the Bolsheviks Petrograd. Soon strikes broke

out in Moscow and the Bolsheviks took advantage of this and gained

more power. Trotsky now had a foothold over the Bolsheviks and he now

had more numbers to use more effectively. Lenin disbanded the Old

Russian army and created the new Communist army and appointed Trotsky

its leader, as Commissar of War. Trotsky assembled this army quickly

to fight the Whites. He realised he would need experienced officers to

lead his massive army but he didn’t have any so he thought up the idea

of using officers from the Tsars old army instead. This plan worked

although he was criticized for it a lot. Because of the volunteer

armies losses during the civil war with the Whites, Trotsky introduced

conscription and built up a model army. Lenin was impressed by his

efforts and in 1919 remarked to Maxim Gorky: "Show me another man who

could have practically created a model army in a year and won respect

of the military specialist as well."

Trotsky then led his 5 million man army to victory so it was him who

ensured the survival of the Bolshevik party.

2) Stalin succeeded as the leader to Lenin and not Trotsky for many

reasons. He was very close to Lenin and had always been a loyal

supporter of him. This meant that he seemed very loyal to the

communist cause and could be trusted. Lenin appointed him General


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